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The models featured here are all one-off, 1:43-scale, super-detailed, fully-opening hand-built models

One-off Super-detailed Models
New Models

These models are all one-off, 1:43-scale, super-detailed creations which have been hand-built by me with the greatest level of detail of all my most recent models.  They have all been made using a white-metal kit as a base, but have been completely transformed to make them fully opening with a very high level of detail, which has been achieved with a great number of parts that have been specially scratch-built by me in various materials including brass and copper.


If you are inspired by the the models featured here and would like to commission me to make a model for you, please do not hesitate to Contact Me.


Finished models are all presented on a plexi-glass base (with plexi-glass cover), each with a brass name-plate with details of the car and an LP Creation logo. For those models that have been specially commissioned, the name-plate is personalised. 

About One-off Super-detailed Models
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